About the book chat...
I'm sure you've noticed the book chat has grown quiet lately, in terms of participation.  So I figured I should say something as to prevent you from feeling bad about it or worrying about the future of TBC.

I guess all I want to say is...The Book Chat is not going anywhere.  Even if I'm the only one doing it, every Thursday I will be here talking about books.  I hope you can join me.

Okay, now that we've gotten that out of the way...


I'm afraid if I rattle off all of the books I read in school, I will bore you as much as they bored me.  So, I'll do something a little different.

A little bookworm humor.  Or at least my stab at humor.

Books you will never see assigned in school...



Home Ec.

Political Science

Criminal Justice

Human Anatomy




Women's Studies

Physical Education

Okay you got a glimpse of my cheesy sense of humor.  Sorry to put you through that.

If you want to join, please link up below.
- Simply write a post pertaining to this week's topic (school assigned reading).  You can share your favorites/least favorites.  Books you think should/shouldn't be assigned.  Your post doesn't have to be as silly as mine.  Stretch the topic all you want.
- Please link back up to this page. (or use the button at the top)
- This link up will be open all week.
- Open to ANYONE!

If anyone is interested in co-hosting the book chat with me, let me know.  I'd love to spread this nerd fest as much as possible. :)
