I love reading.
I love listening to new music.
I want to share this with my readers.

There are plenty of reviewers out there, but I pride myself on being a blogger people can relate to.

I blog about my life and experiences on top of reviews.

I devote my time and efforts to one book and/or album at a time.

My reviews will always be honest and original.

Even when I receive a book/album for the purpose of reviewing, my opinions are and will remain mine.

If you have an album or book you would like me to review, please email me!  I am nothing if not a supporter of indie authors and artists.  

Please just consider my genres...
books: Young Adult, Romance, Fantasy & Contemporary
(not my style: erotica, historical fiction, sci-fi, bio, horror or western)

music: Alternative, Folk, Indie
(not my style: heavy metal, country, hip-hop, rap)

I always try to use my time efficiently, so please allow...
45 days after receiving a book
14 days after receiving an album

I would love to work with you!

For a list of my completed reviews click here...