I love the beach.
I'm pretty sure I was made to live by the ocean.  Funny though, because I never did live by a large body of water until we moved to Savannah five years ago.
But I am so glad we did, because I fell so deeply in love.
Warm sunlight.
Ocean scented breezes.
Cold beer & coozies.
Sandcastles & sea shells.
I even love that gritty, dirty feeling you get after a day of siting in sand & water.

Well, even though we don't live in Savannah anymore, we are lucky enough to live within a tolerable drive to Panama City.  We recently visited in November & even though we didn't set up camp & spend the day, I was still in beachy bliss just being there.
So if you are bitterly cold wherever you are, hopefully these pics will warm you up a bit...


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