Good morning friends!
It's book chat Thursday!

Today, I want to ask YOU.  What are some of your favorite inspirational, really-got-you-pumped-about-life, books?

I'm embarking on a pretty exciting journey this year.  (Back to school, moving to Germany, starting my career)  I could use some real motivators for those inevitable bumps in the road.

I'm looking to you for recommendations!

This is one I've seen on the shelves that I've been wanting to take home...

And a few of you have suggested this one as well...

If you've read these or if you have any others you just must share, please do!

Just link up below.  And as always, the button (above) is available to spread the word about the book chat.  Just make sure you link back here somehow.

Next week: Do you have any pet peeves in books that really drive you nuts?  Those things that pop up over & over & really get on your nerves?  Can't wait to hear it.  
Next week's co-host: Dear Brighton 
