Hey there, fellow bloggers and writers!  I'm looking for a few good writers for my new blog series.

I'm currently in the process of curving my blog toward writers and aspiring authors.  I hope to include more posts on the writing process as well as getting published, finding an agent and all other areas of the industry.  
But mostly, I want to open up a discussion on the topic.  In an effort to include as many perspectives and stories as possible, I am starting a series on my blog entitled, The Writer Within.  The idea here is to share our stories as writers, authors and poets no matter how much you write or if you’ve published or not.  

There is a certain pressure placed on writers and it causes many of us to hesitate before proclaiming our scribe status.  Maybe you're a hobby-writer, or a career-driven writer.  Are you a secret writer keeping journals and stories hidden in the closet...or are you an outed public writer?  Do you blog about writing, and if not, here's your chance.  The idea here is to unveil the writer within.  No pressure.  No judgement.  Just writers supporting other writers.

It will be as simple as answering some interview-style questions and hopefully sharing some insight and/or experience.  

So if you're a writer, or an aspiring one, I'd love to have you!  If you’d like to answer a few of the questions and be showcased on The Tangerine, please let me know!  The beauty of it is that you will also have the chance to promote your work and yourself!

Won’t you join me?

Email me and include in the email:
A little about yourself, the writer.

I cannot wait to hear from you!